Saturday, May 30, 2009

Sarpe After

So I had the Sarpe surgery done on Thursday morning. There was a slight change in plans the day before my surgery as the Oral surgeon consulted with my Ortho and decided I would only get cut on one side of my palate(Left) The right side had room and my top front teeth and bottom align up fairly well. The sarpe will help create room on the left side to pull down that canine, that right now there is no room for. Anyhows I was in the Operating room and out in recovery after about an hour. I immediately had pain in my mouth, they gave me morphine intravenously at least twice.
The first twenty four hours I felt tired but could not sleep, at least soundly that is. I could tell when some of the swelling went down that I had some more room in my palate already. When I ate I could feel that my oral surgeon had turned my expander already. I recieved a call the next day Friday where the OS told me I was to turn the expander twice a day and to see them on Monday. I "think" Im turning it, but I cantbe sure honestly. It doesnt seem complicated but I just cant tell.
So today is day three, I didnt take any narcotic today and feel somewhat ok. Im taking my antibiotic, and mouthwash as prescribed though. Im off for an additional week and will be stir crazy. On a side note Im glad no one at work can see my swollen cheek, and the semi black eye i have formed. Id rather spend a week doing something fun, but what can ya do? No pictures as my teeth I think look like heck...

Thursday, May 21, 2009

RPE is going to be the death of me

So I ended up with this expander a week early. A few days after my last appointment, I somehow broke a wire off? Anyhows the tec was afraid to readd coil and whatnot as it may cause shifting of my teeth, and then affect the mold they took for the expander. So almost a week goes by and my teeth are moving like crazy(so i think) Afraid I call the Ortho and see if its possible to have the expander put in early*(what was i thinking). Anyhows I have one molar that is overly sensitive to the touch and guess where the expander sits upon? Yup that tooh, I literally was in tears and I still dont think its seated properly. Doc says it will be fine though(I hope so).

I cant really eat anything as everything I do eat goes right to the roof of my mouth, where its trapped by the expander(very annoying) I have lots of excess slobber and sound totally retarded(refarded). I have yet to have any real second thoughts on this braces journey, until yesterday when I got this expander. I was very tempted to turn around and tell them to take it out*seriously)

Anyhows It will be ok I know this, and am totally suprised at what the body will except as normal. I mean when I got the braces I thought " Ill never get use to these things" Now I feel their a part of me, elastics and all. I know shortly I may never grow to except it completely, but It will get easier. Now the SARPE is scheduled for next Thursday, Ill check in then...

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Second Adjustment Updates

I think It was a second adjustment, I had my mold taken for the Rpe surgery coming up on the 28th. I go back on the 27th to have the device installed. Im pretty apprehensive about it as its going to affix to one of my most sensitive teeth. I did try to inquire on just what type of Sarp surgery I was going to have(ie lefort or no?) And sadly no one at the orthodontist had a clue what I was talking about? No one is overly friendly anyhow:-( Thats a whole nother story.
So I did have my wire changed, and alot of coils added to the bottom row of teeth, the assistant said that my bottoms are straightning up quite nicely. They are really killing me today, my bottom are much more sensitive to pain then my top teeth, why that is I have no clue. The Ortho didnt change much up top becuase I had the mold done, so dont want to mess that up prior to the surgery. I will update with a new picture soon.Thanks for reading...